is not responsible for any damage or loss, direct and / or indirect, deriving from the sale of goods and services offered in the catalog published on the website, also for delayed and / or non-delivery of the product, or for the correspondence of the goods the specifications published on the site, nor for any other fact not directly to
Technical Informations
Technical Informations inside the website , are derived from informations published by the manufacturers of the goods included in our catalog. , so, reserves the right to modify / adapt the technical and dimensional information of the products in the catalog, based on what will be communicated by the producers, even without any prior notice.
The procurement of some kind of products in large quantities such as: Bracelets and objects of various kind, can lead to the absence of an individual pack.
Risk and Property
The goods are shipped in free port, insured with charge on the invoice or receipt; in the event that the goods were sent to the assigned port, upon indication of the customer, the risk is considered to be borne by the customer from the delivery of the goods to the carrier from its warehouses. At the time of delivery of the goods and in any case not later than 7 days, the customer must verify the integrity of the packages and the quantitative and qualitative correspondence with what is indicated in the accompanying document (DDT). In case of discrepancy, the same must be reported on the same accompanying document and confirmed, within seven days via email or registered to Even in the presence of packaging intact, the goods must be verified within seven days of receipt. Any occult anomalies, must be reported in writing by mail or registered letter A. In case of error in the delivery of the material, the replacement can take place after the material will be returned to the warehouse according to the procedure agreed with the customer service and in any case transportation costs for replacement will be charged to . In case of purchase error by the customer, the product can be replaced after appropriate contact with customer support. The transport costs will be charged to the customer with the same procedures applied during the purchase. Any report beyond the aforesaid terms will not be taken into consideration. For each declaration, the customer assumes full responsibility for what has been declared.
Orders are accepted exclusively through the website. The customer who sends the order via the Internet will receive, at the end of the procedure, a communication confirming the order, or by e-mail (E-mail), indicating the order number; in the hypothesis that, after sending the order, the order number does not appear (after a few minutes), the proposal will be considered as not accepted, for all legal purposes, even if for accounting, administrative reasons or for lack of product.
The goods supplied must be paid by credit card or Paypal.